Since I first started exploring using Grav almost two years ago as an open and collaborative platform for the field of education, I have dreamed of a seamless 2-way sync of Grav site content to such services as GitHub or GitLab. Now, with the great work of the Trilby Media team (the people who created Grav) not only will this possible for myself but also the entire Grav community. By sponsoring the development of the Git Sync Plugin as an open source project I was able to not only support the team behind Grav but also increase the audience for my own Course Hub skeleton package and consultation services about the use of Grav in the education space.
RocketTheme kicked off the week with the launch of its brand new Grav Theme Club. This enabled users to purchase premium RocketTheme themes built on the Gantry 5 framework on Grav. To make this occasion even more exciting, RocketTheme is discounting Grav themes by 50% and Club memberships by 35%...
Grav has received the 2016 CMS Critic award for Best Open Source CMS thanks to our wonderful community. This award comes during a year of explosive growth for Grav, with over 5,400 people giving it a star on GitHub, and 1,500 hanging out in the Grav chatroom.
The CMS Critic awards have b...
Grav 1.0.10, the previous stable version, was released Feb 11th 2016, and it has proved to be extremely solid and reliable. Over the past 5 months, we've not slowed development, in fact we have made over 3000 commits to fix bugs, add features, and generally improve Grav even further!
Grav 1.1...
It’s that time again, the CMS Critic Awards are coming and it’s time to nominate your favorite content management systems. Grav, which made it to the top three in multiple categories in the past, needs your help again this year to secure a spot on the voting card.
The CMS Critic Awards is an i...
After a month and a half of development, we have completed our Beta phase of Grav 1.1, and are now excited to release Grav 1.1 Release Candidate 1. This is the first release candidate which we will continue to bugfix and improve until we are comfortable to release it into the wild as the new st...
So I've gotten around to creating the first Grav User Group (GUG) on As I live in Golden, and that's very close to Denver, I figured it would make an ideal location for our first user group. So, if you are in the Denver metro area and want to meetup and talk about Grav, join this group and we'll get some scheduled meetups organized!
As I previously outlined in the Grav Version 1.1 Coming Soon blog post, there are many great improvements under the covers of the upcoming Grav 1.1 version. We now need your help to test these new features and functionality to ensure they are all working as intended and perform as advertised.