Stable Version 1.7.48 NEW!
updated 3 months ago
Beta Version 1.8.0-beta.3
updated 2 months ago
Performance is not just an afterthought, we baked it in from the start
Grav has a powerful API and sophisticated Package Manager to make it super flexible
Grav is Open Source, and all the code is available on
The Grav admin plugin provides a simple and intuitive interface to make configuration and content creation easy and enjoyable.
The Grav Admin dashboard provides a quick glance at your site state
Easily modify Grav's flexible configuration settings with its advanced forms
Editing content is a breeze with Grav's powerful markdown editor
Changing your administrator information is quick and easy
Grav has a built in package manager with one-click install for plugins
You can also install a wide range of modern themes with one-click
Packed to the gills with amazing features and tools, coupled with heaps of detailed documentation, Grav will make you look like a hero developer!
Use your favorite Markdown editor to create your content online or offline
The built-in Package Manager lets you to find, install, and easily update extensions and themes for Grav
Grav intelligently caches content to deliver great performance, regardless of hosting
Create unlimited taxonomies such as tags, categories, and authors to filter and manage your content
The flat-file nature of Grav lets you define custom fields for any of your pages, including modular content
A simple mechanism for presenting sites in multiple languages is built into Grav
Being file based means backing up and restoring your data is super easy, and changing hosts/servers is a breeze!
Dynamic image manipulation to resize, crop, resample, and effects all with automatic caching of images
No need to start from scratch, use Theme Inheritance and then modify the bits you need, allowing for easier update
Trilby Media is a development company you can turn to for help with your Grav site. Trilby offers a variety of professional services and is run by the same team that built Grav in the first place!
Grav is an open source project hosted on GitHub, originated by Trilby Media but made possible by an outstanding community of dedicated developers and users. The Grav community contributes and shares their knowledge and experiences on our GitHub repository, GetGrav Forums, and our Discord chat server.
Grav is proudly part of the Open Collective family. You can now support the community and keep development going strong by becoming a backer or a sponsor.
From simple to sophisticated, Grav has the flexibility to power all sorts of websites. Flexible content structure and powerful Twig templating allow easy realization of any design.
Grav is a highly versatile platform. Give your creativity wings and Grav will set you free!
Still need convincing? Check out what people are saying about Grav. If you have any thoughts or questions, please reach out and ask us.