• journal

    07 Dec
    producthunt github

    Over the past weekend, the Grav project surpassed 3,000 stars on GitHub! This is a huge achievement for the Grav team, serving as a testament of the incredible community that has grown over the past year around a new open source flat-file CMS.

    Grav is still a very young content management system...

  • journal

    21 Oct
    plugin admin release

    After being in beta for just over a year, with nearly 50 releases and 250 closed issues, Grav is now a full featured CMS with all our roadmap tasks completed. We really could of put the Version 1.0 rubber stamp on Grav some time ago, but we decided to hold off until we had the admin plugin stable also. With an extensive beta development phase of it's own, the Grav admin has undergone a series of solid releases to add new functionality and address bugs. It is also on the cusp of getting a stable version number as we have 161 closed issues and no critical bugs currently open.

  • journal

    15 Apr

    Grav is already one of the fastest CMS options available, but it's possible to easily transform your Grav-based site into a world-class performer. A CDN or Content Delivery Network and some new Grav features can make this possible.

  • journal

    13 Apr

    It has been a little over 10 months since we launched the first public beta of Grav. We quickly reached our 0.9.0 release goals as outlined in the Grav Roadmap, and have spent the subsequent months bug fixing, adding requested features, and laying the groundwork for our upcoming 1.0.0 release.

  • journal

    22 Jan

    A common question has been raised a few times on the forum, and it usually goes something like this:

    "With traditional CMS platforms such as Joomla, WordPress, Drupal, etc, I can easily change themes and my site is instantly transformed. How does this work in Grav?"

    In an effort to answer this question, I will endeavor to provide some of the fundamental operating paradigms behind traditional CMS platforms and how Grav's approach turns them on their heads.

  • journal

    15 Jan

    I was asked on our Slack chat the other day about the best way to debug Grav plugins. I started to type out my process but quickly realized it would be better to show rather than tell. Yesterday I did a quick 30 minute Google Hangout and because it was of the Air variety, it also recorded it for posterity on YouTube.

  • journal

    13 Jan

    I thought I would mention that OSTraining has published an interview I did with them that outlines what Grav is about and its place in the universe.

  • journal

    16 Dec

    Today we have made several updates to the getgrav.org site. The most obvious of which is a refresh in header images, but also there several other updates throughout, but most focus on improving the downloads section.

  • journal

    14 Nov

    So, you’ve decided to get Grav and build a site with it. Congratulations! Building with Grav gives you the power and flexibility you need to realize your site but you need to develop that site first. Using an efficient development strategy will allow you to build your site faster and hassle-free. You might even have fun while doing it!

    When you look at how easy it is to set Grav up and get it running on a remote server, it can be very tempting to just do development there, especially given the fact that there are no databases to migrate over, and everything is file-based. However, don't be tempted by this approach! In this blog post I'll endeavor to explain why...